Dear Lord, we live in an ugly world, we live with polluted TV programing, we live with many corrupt people in high places.  Everywhere we turn we are subject to hearing and seeing things we do not want, yet we cannot hide under a rock and pretend it doesn't exist.   I believe the answer, dear Lord, is in your Holy Word as Paul tells us how to deal with this godless world system we live in.

Father, every day let my thoughts be on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  When I see or hear something that is not, give me the strength to turn away, or brave enough to stand up and say a word of truth.

Lord, hasten the day that you will return and make everything right.  But until then may we be faithful to live each day acting out these attitudes of love, and give us opportunity to share your Gospel with those who will listen.  I love You.  Amen.

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