Facing Death

One of the more difficult things in life is facing death, whether your own or that of someone you love. I went through that again, not for the first time, in my wife's recent bout with cancer. (The outlook at this point is reasonably positive, the doctor thinks he got it all, but  she still faces chemo and possible recurrence, but at one point it sounded more serious then it was and I was forced to genuinely face the possibility that I might lose her.)  In this situation it is important for Christians to remember that we serve a God who conquered death.


I thank you that even death is defeated foe. I pray for those who are facing death in one form or another that they may turn to You, trust in You and You would give them Your peace. Help those who trust in You to remember that temporariness of this life and to number our days. And help us to live as those for whom this life is not the end. Help not to avoid grieving, for sometimes it is appropriate, but to grieve as those who have hope.

In Jesus' Name

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