perfect submission

Is our prayer submissive?

Why do we typically bow our heads in prayer? We do it as a sign of submission. It is a physical representation of the respect, awe and holy fear we have for our Creator and our God.

We certainly don't have to bow our heads to talk to God, but our physical posture can greatly affect our experience with prayer. There is just something so emotionally altering in our hearts when we bow in reverence, get on our knees or even on our faces in prayer. It is humbling. It is surrendering. It is acknowledging His holiness and His authority and His worth and acknowledging our absolute dependence upon that.

We are to submit our will to His. We come seeking and expecting His will to be done and His kingdom to prevail. The act of prayer places us in a position where He can work in us and on us if we are willing to submit totally to Him.

Our submission to Him comes before our petition begins. When we approach God's holy throne in prayer, we are not approaching Him based on our authority. We come only through the authority of Christ. So even though our submission comes before the prayer begins, the most important moment of submission comes at the end of our prayer. When we come to the close of our prayer, we must say, "In Jesus' name". We are then yielding ourselves, our will and our prayers to our Father and we are hallowing His name. Jesus gave us the perfect illustration of submission during His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane.

"He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done"
Luke 22:41-42

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