
"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

This Warren Buffett quote reminds me of the trees that I have sat under.
  • My parents planted many trees. I still sit in the shade of their love for me.
  • Taxpayers in New York City planted trees that gave me an excellent education.
  • A company planted a pension tree and I enjoy a comfortable retirement.
  • Our nation's founders planted trees that provide shade to those who long to be free.
  • A man once planted a tree of eternal life for me as he hung on a cross.
My prayer is to be a tree planter. A man who thinks past today. One who is concerned more about providing shade than sitting under it. Someone who wants to leave a legacy of love and compassion. It is my prayer for you too.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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