Echoing the Priestly Prayer

In John 17 Jesus prays what is known as the high priestly prayer. Following is an echo of that prayer ...

Father, the hour is here.
Glorify your Son in us so we can give glory back to you.
We know that everything Jesus gave is a gift from you.
Our prayer is not for the world, but for those you belong to you -
so that we might bring you glory.

Protect us by the power of your name
so that we will be united just as you and Jesus are.
We are not asking you to take us out of the world,
but to keep us safe from the evil one.

We do not belong to this world any more than you do.
Make us holy by your truth; teach us your word, which is truth.
We are praying not only for ourselves
but also for all who will ever believe in Jesus through our message.

We pray that we will all be one, just as you and Christ are one —
as you are in Jesus, and He is in you.

May we be in you so that the world will believe you sent me.
May we experience such perfect unity that the world will know that
You sent Jesus and that you love them as much as you love us.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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