Peace in the Storm

Dear Lord,

You are near every day, working in the hearts and lives of those I love and hold dear. You know each fear and anxiety, each cry of the heart, and every tear that falls. I ask today, dear Lord, for peace, the peace that passes all understanding. I pray this for my son, his estranged wife, and my precious grandchildren. I pray that love and patience would fill my son's heart, that You would put a watch over his mouth, and that forgiveness and self control would fill his days as he faces the trials ahead. I pray wisdom and understanding for my daughter in law. I pray that she too would forgive and be filled with Your holy spirit, and I pray that my little grandchildren's hearts and minds would be protected by Your love.

I bring my dear husband before you and pray that You would fill him with peace and love too. I pray that You would overwhelm him (and me too) with Your love and forgiveness enabling him to love and forgive others. I pray that he would be willing to befriend our daughter's friends and that he would truly love them as You do. I pray wisdom for my daughter as she chooses friends and I ask your protection over her. I pray salvation for the friends who don't yet know you; for Matt, Sergio, Jake, and Joe.

And Lord, I pray that You would give me peace, wisdom, and understanding in the midst of what can sometime feel crazy stressful and chaotic. Forgive me for my wrong actions and attitudes. Fill me with Your love and peace also that in the midst of the storm I might be a beacon of Your grace and mercy.


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