Drawn out by the Spirit

"Howbeit when, He, the Spirit of Truth, is come,
He will guide you into all truth"
(John 16:13)

Never can we rise to face God by what we are and by what we know!

Only by love and faith are we lifted thus to know Him and adore Him!

The Holy Spirit invites us to "Pour yourself out! Give yourself to Me! Empty Yourself! Bring your empty earthen vessels and come to Me in meekness like a child!

Drawn out of ourselves by the Holy Spirit of God, we finally are delivered from ourselves. We are delivered because we finally seek God for Himself alone.

Lord, deliver me from myself today! Help me to live for You and for others.

(taken from A.W. Tozer - Mornings with Tozer)


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1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I am studying a book by A.W. Tozer experiencing the Presence of God. I have become dry in my spirit. I need a new filling and I pulled out one of the books that I knew would speak to me. So pray for me that He will renew my Spirit.


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