John 11:33-35 (ESV)
   33  When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. 34  And he said, "Where have you laid him?" They said to him, "Lord, come and see." 35  Jesus wept.

Father is there anything more moving than the tears of others? Jesus was moved, troubled and wept at the tears of others.

Father you told us through Isaiah that your Son would: “….bear our grief’s and carry our sorrows….. Isaiah 53:4 (ESV). So it is true to this very day. You are moved with the overflowing tears in Moore, Oklahoma. You see the anguished weeping for the loss of babies, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and other family members. You are troubled by their sorrows and moved by their tears.

Father you tell us in 1 Peter 5:7 (GW)Turn all your anxiety over to God because he cares for you.” Father we do have anxiety and do not understand so many things. But we do know that you love us, you care for us and that what touches our heart touches yours. You are moved by our tears.

So Father, out of your great heart, may so many with tears in their hearts, feel your love, be comforted by your grace, sustained with your peace and strengthened by your Spirit. You are the God of all comfort, so we take comfort in “.…the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,…...” Philippians 4:7 (ESV)

Thank you Father in the name of our precious and personal Savior, Jesus.


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