facing fear and trusting God

I love VBS and I have loved teaching some precious 3rd and 4th graders this week about Jesus. Our theme this year is about 'Facing Fear and Trusting God'. This is not only a biblical truth that our young children need to learn, but that us older children of God need to learn as well. It is so easy to say those words, "just trust God and everything will be okay". But the difficult part comes when we take that theology and make it reality. That is where a lot of us drop the ball so to speak.

If we look to our Father in the every day moments of our lives, then it is natural that we will look to Him when the hard times pop up. If He is our all-in-all in the small things, He will certainly be our all-in-all in the big things. 

We have to keep ourselves immersed deep in His Word daily. We have to keep ourselves connected with Him in prayer on a daily basis as well. We have to read and study the scriptures and apply what we have learned to our lives. We have to live it. When we do that, we will fully understand the Word which tells, 

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear, 
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind"
(2 Timothy 1:7)


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