Second Week of Lent

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Scot McKnight

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


Sometimes the words of an old hymn cause my heart to pray.  Sometimes I just read the words, sometimes I sing them, sometimes from memory learned as child.  Have you ever felt like you just had to tell Jesus?  This old hymn is my prayer today.
I must tell Jesus all of my trials;
I cannot bear them alone;
In my distress He kindly will help me;
He ever loves and cares for His own.
I must tell Jesus all of my troubles;
He is kind, compassionate Friend;
If I but ask Him, He will deliver,
Make of my troubles quickly an end.
Tempted and tried I need a great Savior,
One who can help my burdens to bear;
I must tell Jesus!  I must tell Jesus!
He all my cares and sorrows will share.
I must tell Jesus, I must tell Jesus!
I cannot bear my burdens alone;
I must tell Jesus!  I must tell Jesus!
Jesus can help me, Jesus alone.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Peace is the Promise

Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)
   6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Father in these stressful times when so much uncertainty grips our minds I thank you for the peace you make available to us. Your peace that is stronger than our fears, greater than our finite understanding and more enduring than our feeble defenses.

You guard our hearts and minds with the security of your wisdom and the power of your love. You say to us “fear not” and so we will not fear because of our simple trust in Your Word. Your promise of Your peace and protection is more comforting than anything that may assail our faith.

Thank you Father that through Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we can relax in a restless world. It is truly the peace that passes all understanding.



Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

face down

Have you had a 'face down' experience with the Lord lately? I can assure you that there is nothing quite so powerful as just going face down before the Lord in the early hours of the morning. There is just something so personal and so intimate with just falling flat on your face before the Sovereign Creator of the Universe and submitting yourself to Him humbly and in full surrender. 

I have never risen from a time of being 'face down' with my King that I wasn't convicted, energized and more determined than ever to strive to be like Him. I arise each time with a feeling of undeniable and powerful love coming from my Lord. 

On your face, God can reveal so much more to you than on your knees. On your face, God can perform things in your heart that are only possible when you are in total abandon in this manner. 

Do you desire to have a true encounter with the Savior of the world? Get on your face before Him and just let the Spirit lead. You won't be disappointed and you will be ready to do it again and again.

"And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God.
 And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, 
with lifting up their hands; and they bowed their 
heads, and worshiped the LORD,
 with their faces to the ground"
(Nehemiah 8:6)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

First Week of Lent

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Scot McKnight

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A Prayer for Nora

Oh Lord, You bend low to hear our prayers, and how we love You for always being there for us.  You are worthy of all praise, and I do love and praise you and our dear friend Nora is so in need of your healing and comfort so I bring her to the Throne of Grace. 

A fall a month ago that cause much damage and pain to her nose and mouth, teeth.  And now to hear that yesterday, she fell again and this time broke her shoulder.  She is in a hospital in Texas.  They are doing many tests to see if the the falling is coming from more than just stumbling. 

Please pray that the doctors and tests will show what is really happening in her body.  Lord be with Tom and her children too.  I prayer in Jesus Name. Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Thank You

Father, as prone as we are to first approach you with our own concerns, needs, questions and fear, today we just want to thank you!  Thank you that we can relate to you as our heavenly Father. Thank you for your heart felt way of understanding our weaknesses and failures. Thank you for your patience as you encourage us to share our hearts with you.

Somehow we feel akin to the Psalmist when he wrote in Psalm 139:17 (GW)
    How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are!
Thank you Father for your grace, generosity, kindness, and the many ways you show your love for us.

Today we just want to say: Father, Thank you!

We pray this in the Name of Your beloved Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


Dear Lord,
I can't seem to get out of this porcupine suit I'm wearing. Could you please help me take it off. It's poking me.
And, Lord, my mom in law is having surgery today. I know she's scared, so can you please be near and let her know how much You love her? She's pretty special to us. Thank you for her, Lord. She is a wonderful gift.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A Valentines Day Prayer

Lord help us to love in a way that is patient and kind.
Keep us from jealousy, boastfulness, pride and rudeness.

Help us to defer to others, putting them first and not demanding our own way.
Give us mercy to not be irritable and to keep no record of being wronged.

Prevent us from rejoicing about injustice.
Cause us to rejoice whenever the truth wins out.

Let us never forget that love never gives up and never loses faith.
Bless us with a love that is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

practice His presence

Prayer is the key to activating a full life in Christ. It is the key to being faithful and fruitful. It is the key to being who God desires us to be. Prayer is the key to entering into the Presence of God. It is best summed up in the words of Brother Lawrence.

'The most holy and necessary practice in our spiritual life is the presence of God. That means finding constant pleasure in His divine company, speaking humbly, lovingly with Him in all seasons, at every moment, without limiting the conversation in any way. This is especially important in times of temptation, sorrow, separation from God, and even in times of unfaithfulness and sin.' 

Prayer is always necessary and always needed. It is our lifeline to our Savior. Our refuge. It is where we draw our strength from a powerful and all-knowing God. Prayer is the key to a life that pleases Christ. In fact, if we don't stay in a constant attitude of prayer with God, we will walk in defeat. If we keep ourselves devoted to prayer and maintain an attitude of prayer daily, we will walk in the anointing of His precious Holy Spirit, and dwell in the presence of a holy God.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Prayer for Encouragement

Father, please encourage those who are struggling. Please give them strength and let them know your presence with them. Let them know that you are redeeming and using everything, even our small efforts. Help them to not grow weary in doing good, but to remember who they are doing it for. Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

A Good Day for the Kingdom

1 Peter 1:13-17 (NLT)
13 So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.
14 So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then.
15 But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.
16 For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”
17 And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as “foreigners in the land.”

Father, you remind us through your Word that you have called us to think clearly, to be self-controlled, to live obediently, and to honor you with reverent behavior because you have called us to be holy. You expect our redemption to be expressed in true Christian living, and rightly so.

We thank you Father that not only have you called us, you also enable us by your Spirit and through your grace and mercy to be want you want us to be. This too is our desire: to honor you, to please you, to glorify you and to be a light of truth and hope in a world of darkness, despair and disillusionment.

We pray, Father. that this day will be a good for your Kingdom when your glory will fill the earth through the lives of your loving, obedient children.  

We ask this in the Name of Your beloved Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

You Do All Things Well

Lord Jesus, thank you that you do all things well. When we are in the valley, you are there with us. You comfort and encourage us, and bring beauty out of the ashes. When we are on the heights, you remind us that it is all of your grace. You are the First and the Last. You are everything to us. Amen

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.



Millions will be watching a Super Sunday Superbowl game.  Families, churches, friends will gather to celebrate this exciting event.  There was another "Super Sunday" I would like to share for our Daily Prayer today.

"Lord o Life, I thank You for Your victory ~~and for making Your victory my victory.  I praise You for life-giving power that can only be measured by the stretch of eternity, yet can only be comprehended by the tiny sanctuary of the human heart.  I rejoice in the privilege of life and celebrate in Your presence the marvelous truth that the Christ who is alive forevermore has killed death.  Give me courage to live in that life, to walk in that love, and to tell.  Give me courage to let others know.  In the grace of Christ I pray.  Amen."

Prayer taken from The Path of His Passion ~ Bill Crowder


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

Prayer for Wisdom

Psalm 90:12 (ESV)
   So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Father today is Saturday, the first weekend of February. We look forward to this new month with expectation and excitement.  There no doubt will be a variety of blessings and burdens, of joy mixed with sorrow. Life will follow its normal course of experiences. In these days we pray for wisdom to skillfully navigate with inner peace the challenges we will face. May your wisdom be our guide, your strength our stability and your trustworthiness our comfort.  

We ask this in the Name of Your beloved Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.