face down

Have you had a 'face down' experience with the Lord lately? I can assure you that there is nothing quite so powerful as just going face down before the Lord in the early hours of the morning. There is just something so personal and so intimate with just falling flat on your face before the Sovereign Creator of the Universe and submitting yourself to Him humbly and in full surrender. 

I have never risen from a time of being 'face down' with my King that I wasn't convicted, energized and more determined than ever to strive to be like Him. I arise each time with a feeling of undeniable and powerful love coming from my Lord. 

On your face, God can reveal so much more to you than on your knees. On your face, God can perform things in your heart that are only possible when you are in total abandon in this manner. 

Do you desire to have a true encounter with the Savior of the world? Get on your face before Him and just let the Spirit lead. You won't be disappointed and you will be ready to do it again and again.

"And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God.
 And all the people answered, Amen, Amen, 
with lifting up their hands; and they bowed their 
heads, and worshiped the LORD,
 with their faces to the ground"
(Nehemiah 8:6)


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