Millions will be watching a Super Sunday Superbowl game.  Families, churches, friends will gather to celebrate this exciting event.  There was another "Super Sunday" I would like to share for our Daily Prayer today.

"Lord o Life, I thank You for Your victory ~~and for making Your victory my victory.  I praise You for life-giving power that can only be measured by the stretch of eternity, yet can only be comprehended by the tiny sanctuary of the human heart.  I rejoice in the privilege of life and celebrate in Your presence the marvelous truth that the Christ who is alive forevermore has killed death.  Give me courage to live in that life, to walk in that love, and to tell.  Give me courage to let others know.  In the grace of Christ I pray.  Amen."

Prayer taken from The Path of His Passion ~ Bill Crowder


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your prayers. My son is doing MUCH better. God bless you.


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