Mark 10:28 ~
Peter said to him, "We have left everything to follow you!"

Today I want to dedicate these prayers to Missionaries around the World and at Home that are on the "Front Lines" every day for the sake of the Good News.

Lord, I honor Your faithful messengers who offered themselves a living sacrifices to You.  They abandoned dignity, renounced comfort and relinquished possessions to go forth and cry redemption to the lost.  Give me that heart, Lord. I come to the Cross and by faith declare myself crucified with Christ and alive unto God, ready to worship and serve You with my life.  Amen

"World Christians are tramps for the Lord who have left their hiding places to roam the Gap with the Savior.  They are heaven's expatriates, camping where the kingdom is best served.  They are earth's dispossessed, who have journeyed forth to give a dying world not only the gospel but their own souls as well.  They are members of God's global dispersion down through history and out through the nations, reaching the unreached and blessing the families of the earth"  ~~Corrie ten Boon (1892-1983)

Watercolor from a Wycliffe Calendar by Wanda
Prayer from the Worship Bible (Mark 10:28)


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