A prayer of St. John of the Cross

O Living Flame of Love.

How gently and lovingly
you wake in my heart,
where in secret you dwell alone;
and in your sweet breathing,
filled with good and glory,
how tenderly you swell my heart
with love.


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  1. My grand-daughter needs prayer. For some unknown reason her friend has turned on her. Started bullying my grand-daughter. I pray this action stops & they become friends again.
    Dear Lord in Heaven, Hear my prayer:
    Lord I thank You for all blessings on this family; I thank You for being my Lord & Savior. I'm asking for peace in Emma's heart & true friendship will be released to her. That Angel will stop bullying & come to terms with herself & just talk to Emma, with what is bothering her. Keep these young girls in the palm of Your hand.
    In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.


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