Prayer proves itself

"If any one chooses to do God's will, he will
find out whether My teaching comes from God"
John 7:17

Prayer is divinely arranged from God. It is designed for our benefit  and is used to carry out God's grace to mankind. Through prayer we receive a closer walk with our Savior. A more personal encounter with our Father. A glimpse of the sweet Holy Spirit at work.

Prayer is the key to an abundant life in Him. Through prayer, we partake in thanksgiving and praise. We sit still before Him in expectation and delight. We receive direction. Comfort. Affirmation. We receive a mighty touch and a powerful Word.

Prayer is the way we communicate with our Lord and it is the way we grow our faith. Without prayer, we have no intimate and personal relationship with Christ. Prayer is a duty and a privilege. It is vital to our Christian walk and we must not neglect it. If we desire to hear God speak, we must be communing with Him in our prayer lives.

Prayer proves itself by its accomplishments. Hallelujah and Amen.

Father, thank you for the amazing power of prayer. You are so gracious and merciful. You have blessed us beyond measure. Please help us to remember to set aside time in our schedules for face-to-face communication with you. Thank you for who you are and what you do.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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