I Praise You for What Is Yet to Be

I've been slowly praying my way through "Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle" by Ted Loder (highly recommended!). Yesterday I ran across, through, beyond and back to a prayer that I can't let go. I commend it to you.

Wondrous Worker of Wonders,
I praise you, not alone for what has been,
  or for what is,
    but for what is yet to be,
for you are gracious beyond all telling of it.
I praise you
that out of the turbulence of my life
  a kingdom is coming,
    is being shaped even now
      out of my slivers of loving,
                 my bits of trusting,
                 my sprigs of hoping,
                 my tootles of laughing,
                 my drips of crying,
                 my smidgens of worshiping;
that out of my songs and struggles,
  out of my griefs and triumphs,
    I am gathered up and saved,
for you are gracious beyond all telling of it.
I praise you
that you turn me loose
  to go with you to the edge of now and maybe,
    to welcome the new,
      to see my possibilities,
        to accept my limits,
and yet begin living to the limit
  of passion and compassion
    until, released by joy,
      I uncurl to other people
        and to your kingdom coming.
for you are gracious beyond all telling of it.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. He is gracious beyond all telling of it! oh, Amen!!

  2. Welcome to Daily Prayer Keith. What a great prayer, and Yes, HE is gracious beyond all the telling of it...So thankful for what is yet to be.


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