Let us not be destitute!

Lord, let us not be destitute of Your Spirit. May we never be as a well without water or a cloud without moisture. We want to be used of You and for your kingdom purpose. Useful for the spreading of the glorious gospel. Teaching. Exhorting. Being an example of You.

Sweet Father, Continue to do a work in our lives. Mold us into who You desire us to be. Fill us with a new longing to seek hard after You with an insatiable hunger. May we magnify your name in all that we do and say. Fill us to overflowing so our cups runneth over.  Be glorified in us and through us. Sanctify us through the washing of the Word and by your Truth. May we walk worthy of our calling.

In the mighty, saving, delivering and redeeming name of Jesus Christ,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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