Beautiful Timing

He has made everything beautiful in its time. [Ecclesiastes 3:11a]

I think that most of us struggle with the idea of God's timing. Burger King commercials tell us that we can have it "our way". Another saying tells us that he who hesitates is lost. There is a constant pressure on us all to Just Do It! Yet these ideas are not relevant to the kingdom of God and we see in this verse that there is a beautiful timing to the will of God. Please join me in prayer.

Sovereign God, we come to you with anxious and impatient minds. We seek after your timing yet we often struggle seeing the beauty of the big picture. Help us to find joy in waiting and peace in our struggle. When we get impatient please remind us of this verse and that you are making things beautiful in concert with your will. And Lord help us to keep praising you as we wait.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. In His time is so difficult to my impatient self. Thanks for the reminder...all things are in the Lord's plan.


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