Heavenly Father

Heavenly Father, as you know, many are facing major health problems in their life. I ask that you grant them the energy and determination to seek out and find the right physicians, treatments and programs; the courage and grace to follow them; and your peace and serenity to rest and restore their body, mind and spirit.

In Jesus' name amen.  ~beliefnet.com

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  1. Agreeing with that prayer Ron - especially for my wife Ann as she pursues the replanting of her stem cells in a few weeks.

  2. yes, Lord, give all of us the courage and the grace that only comes from you. And then comes that precious restoration from you gentle and loving hands.

  3. Ron, I have several friends who need God's healing touch. Shirley, Darlene and Karen.

    Thanks for all the prayers given and answered.

  4. Lord I also want to remember Ann and Bob.


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