The Gift of Prayer

Thank you for the privilege of prayer, Father.  Throughout Your Word You challenge us to pray, to ask, to seek, to call upon You, expressing, both our needs and our desires.  Again, and again You have promised to answer us, responding to our requests as a kindhearted Father responds to a little child.  As we grow in our faith, teach us to want what You want, Lord, so that or prayers will be more fruitful.  And eventually, may our most heartfelt prayer echo the words of Jesus:  "Not my will but yours be done."  We love You.  Amen.

"...If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us...."  I John 5:14b

(Taken from the Worship Bible)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen. God help us to give this gift every day.

  2. Amen! I pray thy will be done oh Lord and not mine.


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