such a privilege

Prayer is an amazing privilege. Our God lovingly gives us direct access to His throne 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can lift our voices to Him anytime and anyplace. 

Psalm 120:1 tells us, "In my distress, I cried unto the Lord,
and He heard me"

We can rest in the blessed assurance of God's promises. When we cry out to Him, He always hears our cry. And He always answers us according to His will.

When we neglect our prayer life, we are guilty of sin and disobedience. We limit our intimacy with Christ and reduce His power in our lives. Prayerlessness hinders the ability for us to know His will. It can leave us weak, defenseless and ineffective.

When we begin our day on our faces before our Lord, we draw close to Him, prepare our hearts to walk in His ways and His will and we experience sweet unparalleled intimacy with the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let us never take this powerful and precious privilege of prayer for granted.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Prayer ~ what a precious gift to be able to speak to the Father, like a child and know he bends low to hear and answer.

  2. Prayer neglect is a good topic. A common problem that I hope can be remedied in society!

    Thanks for following. I'm following you back!


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