Prayer for Flood-filled Days

An excerpt from a prayer by Rabbi Paul J. Kipnes..

Our God and God of our fathers and mothers,
The flood waters came, wreaking havoc upon our cities, our homes,
our rescue workers, our sense of security,
And we turn to You for comfort and support.
Help us to differentiate between floods of destruction
and down-pouring of Your love and comfort.

We know that waters can destroy.
In a world decimated many times before,
having been submerged in waters from the Florida hurricanes,
the Asian tsunami, and each of Biblical proportions,
we remember the destructive abilities of these flood waters.

Recalling now that the world, though filled with Your Glory,
is not equal to Your flawlessness,
we strive desperately, sometimes without success,
to move beyond the impulse to blame You.
Keep us far from apocalyptic thoughts, for we know that You ask us to care for each other, an awesome responsibility.

We also know that we can seek You in the waters.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Oh the news is so full of this, and my heart goes out to the family that are facing it every day. Lord help and comfort these dear ones.

  2. My prayers go out for all those affected by this massive flooding. Lord comfort, protect and may someone trust in you as savior because of what has happened.


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