prayer is being in His presence

The quiet in the sanctuary was almost deafening.

No talking.
No sounds.
Nothing stirring.
Just a muted, tranquil silence.

I could hear my heartbeat. I could hear every breath that I drew. I could hear the inaudible.

Yet - the silence was loudly proclaiming His presence.

There was stillness. There was peace. There was the unspoken knowledge that in that soft hush, God was there. I could feel Him. I could sense His sweet Spirit.

Oh, yes. There was the definite sound of silence followed by the definite Spirit of GodHe was there.

The noiseless sanctuary echoed loudly with the presence of the Lord. I was rooted to the spot. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. I was calmly basking in my sweet Savior’s love. I closed my eyes and had precious fellowship with Him.

I was engulfed in His powerful presence. He ministered to my weary soul. He ministered to my wounded heart.

I sat in the quiet. Tears streaming. Broken. Repentant. Renewed. Whole.

In the silence, I was immersed in the Word. Saturated in the Truth. Mesmerized by Him.

The deafening quiet had vocalized loudly to my spirit.

The silence had spoken.

He is here, Hallelujah.
He is here, Amen.
He is here, Holy, Holy.
I will bless His Name again.

He is here, listen closely.
Hear Him calling out your name.
He is here, you can touch Him.
You will never be the same.

Lord, thank you for your amazing presence when we fall on our faces before you in prayer and petition. Thank you for being our God, our Savior, our Healer. We love you with all that we are and give you the praise and glory and honor that is due you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. The wonder of that holy silence in His heart longs for more of this...

  2. "He ministered to my weary soul. He ministered to my wounded heart."

    Amen. I so resonate with that Beth!

  3. God often waits patiently for His noisy children to be silent and listen.

  4. Wanda, Bob and Ron - thanks for always being an encouraging word here. you all make my life more joy-filled each day!


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