Growing Old

Dear Lord,
I've thought on growing old a little bit these past few months. I'm not yet quite sure how to pray about it or what to ask when that time comes, but found it interesting that I had taken a photograph of someone else's thoughts. (Click on the photo to read the piece.)
I packed the old "Ideal" magazines into a box today, the old books that Dad would pour over as he sat in his rocking chair on Saturday mornings, books full of poetry and timeless wisdom from days gone by. Please, Lord, help me know how to let all this go, how to put it all in Your hands because I'm finding it harder with each passing day.
Thank you.
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  1. I so resonate with your prayer Martha. I join you in asking for help to let it go and put it in his hands.

  2. Also, I loved the prayer in the photo. Especially the part about being reasonably sweet.

  3. Martha, I am also dealing with letting go of the earthly possessions of a beloved parent. May God comfort you as you go through this difficult time.



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