A Late Friday Prayer

Dear Lord,
I am late again. Please forgive me.
I come to You this evening to ask that You would surround the nation of Japan with Your love and grace. I pray Your people would reach out to those who are broken and hurting, that there would be help and healing, that there would be salvation in the name of Jesus.
I pray, dear Lord, that You would be with Your people who are already there reaching out to people in desperate need. I pray that Your hand of protection would be there upon the team from Samaritan's Purse and other relief organizations. I thank you that they were able to get through and that You opened those doors. I ask that we, Your people, would once again reach deep into our pockets and give to help our fellow man.
Thank you, Lord, that Your love reaches around the world.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen! God's love has no boundaries.

  2. yes, Lord! echoing this prayer for the devastation felt around the world.

  3. Amen. It is hard to watch the stories coming from Japan and not be filled with compassion.


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