call upon the Lord

"I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to
be praised; so shall I be saved from
mine enemies."
(Psalm 18:3)
Oh, precious heavenly Father, I am so thankful that you are a God who loves us and cares for us and who is our ever present help. You are our deliverer, our fortress, our refuge. You are our help, our comfort, our peace.

When nothing else does, You can. When no one else will, You supply.

You are our rock. Our mighty God. Our Savior. Our friend.

You redeem, restore and rebuild.

You cover completely. You surround us with your healing arms. You provide just what we need at the right time. You are an on-time God.

There are so many people sick, hurting and in need, sweet Father, and I ask that your perfect will be done in each life. I ask that you minister and heal just as your will dictates. I lift each precious one up to you and ask that you touch hearts, minister to souls and reveal truth. I ask that you give guidance and direction. Give hope and comfort. Light the paths of those in darkness and deepen the yearning of struggling souls for more of you.

We give you ALL the praise and glory and honor that is due you. We rejoice in the healings and the breakthroughs. We thank  you for all that you are doing in their lives and all that you will continue to do. You are the mighty Healer. You are the One and Only. You are God.

In the mighty, saving, delivering and redeeming name of Jesus Christ,

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. "When nothing else does, You can. When no one else will, You supply."

    Amen. Thanks for that blessed reminder.

  2. Dear Beth, What a prayer that wraps around so many hearts and is heard in His heart. I echo Amen. Blessings.

  3. Yes, Beth, you have touched my heart with this prayer.... Mighty, Saving, delivering and redeeming...Thank you for being that kind of a Savior.

    Amen, and Amen!

  4. Amen Sister Beth :-)

    God's will in our life is always best. Praise His Holy Name!


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