Prayer for Job Seekers

For many months I have been praying for eight people who are unemployed.. I have been praying for a few since last January. Please send an email or leave a comment if you are a job seeker. I invite you to remember those you know who are seeking work and pray this prayer with me.

Gracious and loving God, you know our need for meaningful work.
Send your Holy Spirit to guide those who are searching for employment.
Help them to recognize the gifts and talents you have given them.
Deepen their desire to follow your will.
Inspire them as they contact potential employers.
Give them patience as they wait for responses.

Shelter them from feelings of rejection.
Protect them from discouragement. Give them courage to overcome fear.

Shower on them the graces they need to persevere.
Let this time of searching become an opportunity to grow in faith,
to cultivate the virtue of hope, and to experience your healing love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


This prayer is from the folks at St George Church.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. What a marvelous prayer.... I will include my friends and family that need work.

  2. Thanks Bob for this. I am praying this too, especially for my son.

  3. i join you in prayer today for Pete and David.

  4. I am praying this prayer for son Jim out of work over a year

  5. I am praying this prayer for son Jim out of work over a year

  6. Please pray for me. Im a fresh graduate and looking for a job for almost 3 months :( im losing my faith at times but still im praying that my hopes to god i believe he will never disappoint me i want a job soonest :( its nearly christmas

  7. I am praying for my husband frank. That he pass his background Check for this great jib that has landed in his hands.

  8. mmy name is lawreen ruvengo have been out of employment since nov last year,pls pray for me i desparately need a job

  9. Please pray for my husband(Rick) and I are both out of work . Prayers for open doors of opportunity of employment . In Jesus name , Amen ! Powerful prayer Thank you!

  10. Oh Father in these times so many need jobs. My son Mark is one of them. He is educated and ready for a job in the medical field where he can help others. Please help the ones he is interviewing with ear the right words and help him to say the words that they need to hear. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen

  11. Oh Father in these times so many need jobs. My son Mark is one of them. He is educated and ready for a job in the medical field where he can help others. Please help the ones he is interviewing with ear the right words and help him to say the words that they need to hear. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen

  12. Please pray for me to find a good job. After almost 1 nmonths of searching, it is very challenging to keep positive. So many laid off here in Houston, competing with so many others. Pray for all who are struggling with this and that those who have opportunity to offer, may our applications stand out and be seen and viewed as being the right candidate. In Jesus name, I pray.

  13. I join with you Dee in praying for all who are struggling to make ends meet. I stand with you and them in asking God to open doors of opportunity for employment that will satisfy your physical needs and heart desires.

  14. Heavenly Father I now came across this prayerblog where peole of various countries are requesting from you a job.They are in need my Lord...we love you and come to you only through your Son Jesus asking for employment. We thank you for favours granted for we believe we asked so you will give. I am a mom and my son Gerard is also unemployed sent out resumes awaiting answers. Thank You Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

  15. Heavenly Father I now came across this prayerblog where peole of various countries are requesting from you a job.They are in need my Lord...we love you and come to you only through your Son Jesus asking for employment. We thank you for favours granted for we believe we asked so you will give. I am a mom and my son Gerard is also unemployed sent out resumes awaiting answers. Thank You Lord in Jesus name. Amen.

  16. Heavenly father I come before u today asking for prayers for my son Ta who has been seeking employment. He has been very despondent. Thank You Lord in Jesus name. Amen

  17. Prayer for my brother John Patrick Thank You in the Name of Jesus Christ

  18. Praying for my son Zach, who lost his job without warning. I pray that his applications get noticed and that he has a chance to interview and show how his qualifications, talents and education will make him a great employee. Praying also, that when he finds a job, he gives back to others and becomes a positive role model to those around him.

  19. I pray for my daughter who is seeking a job. It's been a difficult and stressful journey. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you.

  20. Prayer for my son Sam to get an internship offer!

  21. I know that the Lord is busy healing & protecting so much more in the world, but I am asking for his helping hand & guidance right now for employment. The rejection and failure rate is almost unbearable at times and has me now questioning my skill set. I know I am a conscious, reliable, & ambitious team player and I ask that my faith in God in this whole process is for a particular reason. I'm asking that I could be placed in a position I can thrive in and make a difference. I'm asking to be placed soon so I can contribute to my homes expenses and continue moving forward in this part of my life. In Jesus name, Amen ����

  22. Please pray for my son TJ, he recently moved to a big city for a job, got married and then lost his job. He is working hard at odds and ends but is talented and needs a job in his chosen career. Please pray for him to find anything from an internship to full time work?

    1. Agreeing with you in prayer Scott asking for a great job to surface for TJ.

  23. please I need a powerful prayers,I have been applying there and there but I couldn't find a job.Dear God I will wait patiently as you said your time is always the best

  24. please I need a powerful prayers,I have been applying there and there but I couldn't find a job.Dear God I will wait patiently as you said your time is always the best

  25. Please pray for me as i have left my old job (since nov 2017) and am currently looking for a new job. Pray that God may guide me during the job search and land me in a job where I may be able to use my gifts to serve him.

  26. Please pray for me as I seek a new job. Been unemployed since November 2017 . =( Pray that i may be able to find. Job where i can use my gifts to serve HIM

  27. Im looking for jobs for months now. More than 100 applications but no luck. pray for me

  28. Im looking for job since months now. More than 100 applications, but nothing so far.. I am desperate. Please pray for me.

    1. Praying that your job situation has improved. Also asking God to give you peace in the midst of this trial.

  29. Please pray for my son Matt who had a good interview last week. He is a wonderful young man who helps others. He needs a job where he can fulfill God's plan for himself and others. I ask humbly, in Jesus's name. Amen

    1. Agreeing with you in prayer asking for a great job to surface for Matt.


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