Praying Psalm 95

We sing to you Lord and make a joyful noise to you.
You are the rock of our salvation!
We come into your presence with thanksgiving, joy and songs of praise!
For you Lord are is a great God and the King of kings.

We praise you O Lord of lords!

Created by your hands are the depths of the earth.
The heights of the mountains are yours also.
The sea is yours for you made it.
Your hands formed the dry land out of nothing.

We are in awe of you O Creator God!

We come, we worship and we bow down.
We kneel before the Lord, our Maker.
You are our Shepherd and we are the people of your pasture,
We are the sheep of your hand.

We magnify you O Shepherd of our souls!

We await the still small voice of your Spirit.
We pray that our hearts would be soft to you.
We embrace you in our wilderness and trust you.
We bow to your sovereignty in our lives.

You are worthy to be praised O Spirit of the Living God!

Our minds are prone to wander- gather us in Lord.
Our flesh seeks its own glory - humble us dear Father.
Our strength is sometimes misguided - direct our energies Lord.
Our will is often not yours - let your kingdom come and will be done.

Yours is the glory, the power and the kingdom forever!


If you would like to read my other prayerful interpretations from the psalms please click here. These are not word for word prayers but paraphrased thoughts from the psalms.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. I love praying the Psalms. Another good one! So glad we have the book of Psalms!


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