Praying Psalm 94

O Lord, my heart is set on vengeance, my eyes see in vengeful ways.
I want you to judge the earth and bring vengeance on the proud.
I want others to get what they deserve. I want them to pay.
When I see their arrogance I am tempted to want revenge.

Have mercy on me O Lamb of God.

I am hurting Lord and I am wondering how long shall the arrogant prosper.
I tire of the their arrogant words and their boasting.
I am sorrowed when I hear of the murders of the innocents in many lands.
I do not understand how people can treat others so vilely.

Rise up O God of the widow and the fatherless!

Dear Lord, please open the eyes of fools and bring wisdom to their hearts.
Help those who are spiritually deaf to hear your voice.
I am so glad that you hear us. Give us ears to hear.
I rejoice that you see us. Give us eyes to see.

We bless you O Creator in Heaven!

You are God and have the right to discipline all peoples.
You are the great teacher Lord.
You help us to know you and to understand your ways.
You know our thoughts and how limited our vision is.

Wonderful are your teachings Heavenly Father!

We are blessed by your discipline and teaching Lord.
You give us rest in the midst of trouble and calamity.
Your promise is to never leave or forsake is.
We trust you and are counting on your blessed justice.

Great is is your mercy O Lord!

We embrace you today Lord and trust in your protection.
We are counting on your justice and providence.
If you Lord had not been our help, our souls would have languished.
When my foot slips your steadfast love, O Lord, holds me up.

Awesome is your loving protection Lord!

When the cares of my heart weigh me down you cheer my soul.
When I am preoccupied by the sins of others you set my eyes on your love.
When I sorrow for the deaths of the innocents you remind me of Heaven.
When I feel alone and abandoned you encourage my heart with song.

How blessed are you O Spirit of God!

You Lord have become our stronghold.
You Lord are the rock that we take refuge in.
You Lord are righteous in all of your judgments.
You Lord are merciful and your forgiveness in great.

We praise you Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


If you would like to read my other prayerful interpretations from the psalms please click here. These are not word for word prayers but paraphrased thoughts from the psalms.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. If you need to pray....which we all do all the time, the best place to find great prayers are the Psalms...... I will meditate on this one this morning!

    Say a prayer for my friend Nancy who is facing so many trials. Caring for a 93 old mother, and a husband with many emotional issued and out of work. All the responsibilities are falling on her.

    Thanks Bob....


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