Prayer and Chronic Illness

I am sitting hear trying to think of a scripture that might apply to praying for a person that is experiencing the ill affects of a chronic disease or illness. Should I quote a verse that regales a miracle working God or share a verse that speaks to God's presence in our lives during trying times? The question goes to the heart of the issue doesn't it?

What I have done many times in the past when I have prayed for people with illnesses and diseases is to simply pray "Come Holy Spirit". Speaking of the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus told us that He would send us a Counselor and a Comforter. It seems that this is just want hurting people need - comfort and counsel. So let us pray for those hurting folks in our lives.

Come Holy Spirit and be present with those who have been hurting for so long.. minister hope in the midst of their hopelessness.

Come Holy Spirit and help those who experience the despair associated with diseases and illness like cancer, Parkinsons, diabetes, ALS, MS, NMO and all kinds of sickness.

Come Holy Spirit and manifest your wisdom concerning medical directions and treatments as well as the many other decisions that hurting people are making.. bring clarity of thought.

Come Holy Spirit in power.. please do what no person can do for themselves.. bring healing miracles and cures.. turn impossibilities into possibilities.

We ask all of this believing in the name of Jesus and in His authority over all manner of sickness and disease.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. That was really very nice. Thank you

  2. Beautifully done and thank you for asking what would be appropriate too. Most people with illness DO know all the healing scriptures; they want scriptures from friends or loved ones that are about comfort, hope, pain (admitting it exists and it's okay to hurt) and how God cares about our tears.
    Author of "Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend" (w/ lots of Christian content too!)
    Lisa Copen

  3. please pray for me i get healed of hepatitis.Ann

    1. @Ann - Each day since you left this request I have been praying. I am asking the Holy Spirit to come into your life and your body and do what no person can do. To that end I pray and believe.

      Blessings, Bob


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