Monday Morning - 9.27.2010

Dear Father in Heaven,

Sometimes we are so busy we forget to think of you. We forget to commit our works to you. We forget to trust in you with all of our hearts. We forget to cast all of our cares on you. We forget that we live and move and have our very being in you. We forget to seek your reign and righteousness first in our lives.

Please forgive us for taking you — your unfailing love, your matchless mercy and glorious grace — for granted in our lives. Please help us to be fully devoted followers of your blessed Son. Help us, also, to be a reflection of His glory as we walk in step with the Holy Spirit this week.

In the holy name of Jesus we pray.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Breathing that prayer in Bill. Such a sweet sentiment. Amen.

  2. What better could we do, than to bring glory to Him in our walk with the Holy Spirit..That's my prayer today! Thanks Bill.

  3. in the holy name of Jesus we pray, amen.


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