emerging prayer

At our church's baptism this week, Tyrone spoke about growing up in a household without faith. But he did recall two words from his childhood, God and prayer. Years later, drinking, destitute, without hope, those two words came back to him and he cried out to the Lord. That day he was arrested, and as he sat in the back seat of the squad car, he smiled, and gave thanks and praise to God. He was finally on the road to redemption.

I would like to offer up one prayer today in honor of Tyrone: Lord, let us pass along the Word to the next generation, and arm them with the knowledge of you and the power of prayer -- so that they too can call out to you in their hour of need -- for when anyone calls, you hear, you answer.

My friend Dave was also baptized this week. He reminded me that he found it easy to keep God in view in times of trouble and in times of great joy. But it was more challenging during what he called 'the regular times'. And I think a lot of people spend most of their lives in 'regular times'... lukewarm times... just going through the day without dramatic highs and lows.

So I would also like to offer up a prayer today in honor of Dave: Jesus, your presence is constant, awe-inspiring and always around us. Help us open our eyes to you Lord, to see your wonder -- especially during the 'regular times' -- and give us the courage to point out these wonders to those around us.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these stories Ed. Open my eyes Lord to your presence in both hard and regular times.


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