A Birthday Prayer

Dear Lord,

That sweet child You blessed me with twenty-nine years ago today is on my heart. He is far away from home on his birthday once again, Lord. I pray that You would be near to him this day, that You would bless him, and encourage him in a special way. I love him, Lord, and I thank You for sending him into our lives those years ago, and for using him to teach us so many things. Through him I learned about unconditional love and forgiveness. Through him we became parents and embarked on a journey from which we never returned. Through him I learned a little bit more about the heart of God. Thank You.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Beautiful prayer Martha. I will add my amen for him and my kids as well.

  2. Precious prayer... I join you for him, and all our children that are far and near.


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