Praying the Love Chapter

A prayer offered to celebrate this Valentines Weekend..

Lord we ask you to fill our hearts with your love.. we pray that you would baptize us with love as you did on that day of Pentecost so many years ago.. we ask for a prophetic blessing of love.. and the ability to mix faith and love in everything we do.

We ask you Lord to fill us with a love with a love that is patient and kind.. a love that does not envy or boast and is not arrogant, rude, selfish, irritable or resentful.

We ask you Lord to fill us with a love that rejoices with the truth.. a love that bears all things.. a love that believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

We ask you to fill us with your kind of love because that love is everlasting.. that kind of love hangs in there when all other love stops.

We praise you Father for the gifts of faith, hope and love.. but especially for love.. because it is the greatest gift.. because of love you gave your only begotten Son.. help us to love with that kind of love.


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