Dear Lord,

You are my Father, and you love me. You desire only what is best in my life. Help me to rest in You, to abide in You, and to trust in You.

Shine the light of Your word on my path that I might follow in Your footsteps instead of making my own way in the world.

Pour Your love in and through me that I might love those you bring into my life. Sometimes it is hard, Lord, especially when they give so many reasons to be hurt or angry instead.

Teach me to judge the thoughts and intents of my own heart, to give to You that which causes my heart to become hard and callous, and to become pliable in Your Hand.

May I learn to trust you more each day, to thank you for each blessing you bestow, and to cherish every breath.

May I treasure every loved one, forgive their mistakes and misdeeds, and remember that even they won't be around forever.

And, Lord, as we make our way back home, please give us traveling mercies and let Your presence be with those whose hearts are hurting so deeply today. Help them to know Your love and comfort.


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