Monday's Prayer - 02-22-2010

We lift up our hearts to you in humble adoration and praise, our dear Father in Heaven. We give you thanks for the privilege of entering into your presence through the power of and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

...As the traffic rushes by at a break-neck pace on the highway outside...
...As the father who ought to know better scolds his unruly child, with language that reminds me of my days as a sailor...
...As the couple across the restaurant argues about their plans for the evening...
...As manager belittles one of her subordanates...

...I give you thanks, dear Father, for the inner peace which Your Spirit imparts to those who take refuge in You. May more-and-more people learn of your desire to impart mercy to all who draw near your throne of grace.

Help us, dear Father, to find ways of making a difference in the lives of others through the things we say and do. Please help the masses of humans who surround us who seem to be living lives of not-so-quiet desperation to find find find Jesus in each of find Jesus in me.

Please forgive me, dear Lord, for the times when I have seen others only from a human perspective. Help me to see them as you see them--not for what they are, but for what they can be through your power and grace. Help me to live tranparently so that others can see the change you have made in me.

In the mighty name of Jesus,

submitted by: Bill Williams
a spiritual oasis

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  1. "Help me to see them as you see them"

    ..amen.. open our eyes Lord.

  2. Nice prayer...Glad to join,




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