For all those in prison

For the past several years, I've written to a few inmates. At times I've been able to encourage them in the faith, as they've encouraged me in mine.

A hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week for one of them, a young man named Jeff. I hope you will join with me in praying that God will sustain him and his family over the next few days and will bring about the best possible outcome. And pray for all those in prison, that the light of Christ will penetrate the darkness and despair behind those bars.

In the words of Timothy Dudley-Smith:

We pray, our Father, for those whose freedom has been taken from them: for all who suffer imprisonment, whether for crime or for conscience' sake; for all whose vision of your world is seen through bars, and in whose heart the lamp of hope burns low. God of mercy, give them help, according to their need, and hear our prayer for Jesus Christ's sake.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Yes I join with Sue in praying for Jeff and his release and the needs of all those behind bars that the light of the Lord will reach into their hearts. My daughter Aimee has also been in jail for the last three years and praise God wants to go to Bible College when she gets out this June. I prayed the Lord to please send her a christian in jail to minister to her and praise God a christian fitness instructor started going to the jail about a year ago and also has praise and worship times and bible studies with Aimee.

  2. "in whose heart the lamp of hope burns low"

    That is such an accurate description of the state of so many of the men that I ministered to behind bars. I join with you today asking for hope to come alive for inmates all across the world and especially for Jeff and his family.

  3. Sue, I will be praying for Jeff. Prison ministry is so needed, a friend to care and communicate. Thank you for being that servant.

    Also, the picture of Jesus behind bars is one of the most striking picture I've seen. I evokes so many of my emotions.

  4. Does anyone know where I can purchase a picture of "Jesus behind bars?" Thanks! Rev. Philip Hicks (916) 872-8947 or

  5. We are praying for those behind bars. It is when we are at our lowest that God raises us higher.

  6. I pray for Jeff and all other prisoners behind bars. God bless!


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