I Can't, You Can

Yesterday I posted about New Years resolutions and listed Mark Herringshaw's five steps to successfully achieving them. Here is the last step that he proposes:
Pray. Yes, pray. I realize up front that I'm doomed to fail with all my plans to change myself. Yes, disillusion too is a necessary step, and with it a cry for help. Jesus once said, "Apart from me you can do nothing." In other words, all my intentions and plans AND commitments and disciplines Will in the end fall short. I'm not strong enough or focused enough, even with all the right strategies. Yes, I can improve the odds of success, but I can never dodge Jesus' tenet: "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." My spiritual mentor, Morris Vaagenes once put this principle into a prayer: "I can't, you can, please do, thank you!" That is the key to transformation... and resolution... I can't. Jesus can, through me. I can ask for that change, and then thank him for that completed promise.
Mark closes his blog post with this prayer.. please join me in praying it:

"God, I want to change. I need to change. You made me for more than I am. But the truth is, I need more than my own resolve. I need you. I can't make the changes I must. Please work in me to lead me toward my destiny. Give me strength and determination and focus and the humility to ask you to work when and where I cannot. Thank you ahead of time for your strength to accomplish your purposes in me. In Jesus...


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Yes, I believe God gives us strength, the more we take Him to our heart...and my prayers always include the needy,


  2. Prayer request... i am looking for the Lord's guidance on a decision i need to make this week.

  3. How nice to see you here, my dear friend Devika.

    Ed, I will join with others to pray God's divine guidance in the decision you need to make this week.


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