thank you for new beginnings

O Lord, thank you for new beginnings.

You have just given us a moment where the earth stood still, where the nights were longest and the light just fleeting. Now each day is longer, brighter than the one before. We turn the page on our calendars, saying good riddance to baggage and hello to resolution.

This amazing gift, Lord, is embedded in our Universe. We thank you for new beginnings.

Each month, by your design, the moon is full then new again.

The seasons are marked by death and rebirth.

Each day, we go to sleep at night in darkness, confident that the morning will bring light, hope and the opportunity to start with a clean slate – worry free.

If we need even more reminders, we have the tides… high, low, high, low… twice each day each.

All by your design. You give us rebirth. Reawakening. Renewal. Thank you Lord.

You have made it impossible to not notice you Lord. The very fabric of our existence screams out your vow of redemption.

But if somehow our eyes and ears remain closed to the signs around us, you reached further and gave us the greatest gift of all, the everlasting sign of your promise and hope, your son Jesus.

Thank you Lord. We humbly and gratefully accept these gifts today. Today is a day to begin again.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Yes.. praise you Lord for new beginnings.. thank you for your steadfast love and mercies that are new this morning.

  2. Thank you, Ed, for this lovely prayer. And may God bless you and your family as you prepare to begin the new year!

  3. Thanks Ed. I took take comfort in the new beginnings our gracious Lord gives us day by day, month by month, year by new year.
    Blessing on you and your family this New Year Ed.

  4. i am thankful for a good night's sleep in the night to give me enough newness and strength to make it through another day. and when the day comes that i no longer have the strength to remain here, i am thankful for new life with you, Lord.

  5. May God be with us always, in happiness and in sorrow,

    Wishing all here a Very Happy New Year! :)



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