We Give You Thanks

Today's prayer comes from Crownring..

Heavenly Father, here it is December 2009 and it seems our lives are as complicated as ever. We have been through many changes and experiences this year, many happy and some not so. We give you thanks and glory because You have not abandoned us and have walked with us through every difficult situation. We give You thanks and glory for every beautiful thing You created. We give you thanks for health and for helping us to bear our suffering when health seems only a wistful memory. We thank you for our loved ones, both here on earth and those who now dwell forever in Your presence. We thank You for the food you have provided and the hands that provided it. We thank You for shelter and clothing and ask that you remind us to be generous to those who have nothing. We thank You for your protection from evil and ask that You would protect our men and women in uniform, be they military or police and firemen. We humbly pray for our government officials, that they might seek Your wisdom and act according to Your Will. Father God, thank you for the holidays and the special opportunities we are given to honor Your Son's birth and share Your love with others. Help us to remember that Your Presence in our lives means far more than presents under the tree.

In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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