most holy prayers

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. Rom 8: 26-27

If you believe in the power of prayer, then the “who” and “what” we pray is significant.

So my prayer today is that the Lord will guide us to good prayers. Keep our hearts pure and our intentions worthy. Help us to see as you see, Lord.

When we sit quietly alone, meet with friends in small groups, or gather as a community – let us speak prayers that honor our Lord God. Let us use the power and promise of prayer to glorify His kingdom.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thanks Ed.. I needed to read that today. With Ann in the hospital I am feeling pretty weak today.. good to know that the Spirit himself is interceding for the two of us through so many of our friends.

  2. amen.

    and bob..
    love to you and ann.

  3. Ed, you have touched a segment of prayer that we all need. Those times when we can't say the words and the Holy Spirit says them for us. I love that Scripture.

    Bob, you and Ann are in my prayers too.
    Love you and blessings.

  4. Please pray for a deal young woman I've mentored and had in my Bible Study. Her husband (36) was tragetly killed in a motorcycle accident last Friday. They have three small children and have been separated for a year trying to reconcile. This is very hard for this young family, and the Memorial Service is tonight. Please pray God's outpouring spirit and grace!

    Thank you.

  5. Ed, thank you for that prayer. It's already touching many lives!

    Bob, I'm sorry to hear Ann is in the hospital. I hope her time there will be brief and she'll be home with you again soon.

    Wanda, prayers on their way for that family. The Heavenly Father said he would be a husband to the widowed and a father to the orphaned. So be it, Amen!

  6. May the Lord be with Wanda's friend and her three children today. May they physically feel the warm touch of Christ on their shoulders. May they find moments of peace, joy and love during this holiday season. May those close to them intercede with grace and meet their needs -- not only today, but in the difficult months that follow.

  7. Thank to all of you for your prayers for Michele. The funeral was last night, and God's grace and comfort was so evident. Prayer does change things, and I know this family will survive with God's grace and the love of friends and church family.
    So thanks again.


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