Praying Psalm 42

I woke up this morning remembering this song we used to sing in church and the psalm that it comes from. Here is the song and my prayer from that psalm.

As a deer longs for flowing streams.. so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for you the living God.

Come in power Almighty God!

My tears seem to be my food day and night.. my tears seems to speak to me and say, “Where is your God?”

Answer my tears O compassionate Father!

Yet these things I remember as I pour out my soul: how sweet your presence is and how exhilarating it is to worship you with shouts of joy amongst your people.

I rejoice in you O joy giving Lord!

These are the things I ponder: why my soul is sad and in turmoil within me? I want to hope in you God.. I want to experience your power.

O come Holy Spirit!

Yet even now, when my soul is cast down within me, I remember you in the land of trials and testing.

I trust in you Jesus!

I want to hear your voice Lord like the sounds of great waterfalls.. speaking with power and having powerful affects.

Come O Holy Shepherd!

You are my rock.. the One in whom I have trusted.. yet I sometime feel forgotten.. I often mourn so many losses.. I sometimes feel oppressed.

Come O God of deliverance!

My soul will not be cast down forever.. the turmoil will end.. my hope is in you Lord.. I shall praise you afresh.

Jesus is my salvation and my God!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.


  1. Thanks Bob....Wonderful song, wonderful prayer, wonderful Psalm. I long for you, Jesus...I long.


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