Praying Psalm 41

Dear Father, help me to be a blessing to the poor.. make me an instrument of provision for the needy.. lead me in ways that give the poorest hope.

Thank you for deliverance in the day of trouble and for the way that you protect me from all manner of wickedness.. and for how you minister to me when I am ill.

O Lord, be gracious to me.. heal me, sustain my life and forgive my sins.. and help me to encourage others and forgive them.

Bless those who have anything against me Father.. help me to not be a stumbling block for them.. cause blessing to come from my lips and not complaining.

Even those close friends in whom I trusted.. who shared meals with me.. who are angry with me.. help me to bless them Lord.

Help me today to be a delight to you Lord.. make me one who walks in integrity.. and sits in your presence forever.

Blessed are you Lord.. you are the God of Israel.. you are the only true God.. from everlasting to everlasting you reign in majesty!

Amen and Amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.


  1. Bob, I really like where you're going with this. Would you consider putting together a book of these?


  2. Thx CR! Might be an idea if I ever get through them :)


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