Praying Psalm 39

Teach me you ways dear Lord.. help me to guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue.. help me to muzzle my speech and not give the enemy an opportunity to speak through me.

When I am angry and out of sorts with people help me to remember that you love them.. help me to hold my peace and quiet my spirit.

Help me Lord to know how few my days are on earth.. prompt me to make each day count.. and lead me in ways that encourage others to good works.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ!

I confess that apart from you I am but a shadow.. one that cannot make a difference for good in this world.. but with you I can do all things.

I wait for you Lord.. my hope is in you and in your ability to deliver me from all my transgressions.. without you I am a fool with nothing to say.

Your discipline is a comfort to me Lord.. the conviction and leadership of the Holy Spirit enlivens my soul.. I am lost without Him.

Praise you Lord Jesus Christ!

I embrace and echo these words of the psalmist David:
“Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears! For I am a sojourner with you, a guest, like all my fathers.
Fill me with your peace today Lord and lead me in ways that bring peace. I am yours.


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