Praying Psalm 38

Thank you Father that in Jesus you have delivered me from anger and wrath.. you have shielded me from the arrows of the enemy.

I am asking for you help.. my joints hurt and are in need of your healing touch.. I submit my flesh to you.. my great physician.

My body hurts.. I awake with pain.. I groan and my heart is heavy.. O Lord.. all my longing is before you.. my sighing is not hidden from you.

My strength fails me.. my eyes are weary from weeping.. friends do not understand what I am going through.. I need your presence and understanding in my life.

For you, O Lord, do I wait.. it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. I trust you to be my rear guard.. to protect me each day.. you are my protector.

I confess my weakness to you.. my inability to ease my pain.. I am sorry for my sin.. I am thankful to be forgiven.

You have promised to never leave me or forsake me, O Lord! I rely on you and your promises.. your are faithful throughout eternity!

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with me.


  1. The timing on this one is perfect, Bob. I ache in body and spirit.

    May God be praised!


  2. Bob~ I have been living in the Psalms since my journey with cancer. What better place to pitch my tent at this time. I've been in Psm. 119, and each day the group of verses I meditate on have given me such peace of heart and strength. Praying the Scriptures is one of the treasures Christians have... When you pray scripture... you know you are praying in God's will.
    Thanks again, Bob for your gentle spirit, and loving and caring ways.

    God Bless


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