a prayer to yield my life and change

Loving God,

I want to yield up my life into Your hands for my life seems to be falling apart at the seams and I am desperate. Oh Lord, I don’t know which way to turn nor do I know what to do. I so need your strong hand in my life.
I am coming to You confessing my need for You in my life, and pray that You will forgive me for my pride in trying to be the god of my own existence. Lord, I have made myself the center of my life and not You. I pray You would help me to change. Please transform me and bring good from my trials.

Lord, I don’t really know how to “let go”. I don’t really know how to do to give You greater influence in my life, but I am coming to You in humility to confess my need of You in my life. Lord, I pray that Your love, grace and mercy would lead, guide me and help me to let go of my past.

Lord, I also ask that You would teach me how to submit my life to You. Show me how to abide in You day by day, and instruct me how to live in spirit and truth. Help me Lord, to submit my life to You in every way, and to become the person You would have me be. 
Thank You Lord, that You have not given up on me. I ask You to teach me Your way from this day forward. In Jesus' name I pray.

-adapted from a prayer by Unknown   

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