A Prayer for our Idols

Lord and Savior,

We are struggling to make You just that - Savior AND Lord. It's one thing to know we need saving, it's another to fully submit to anything - even You - as the true Lord of our lives. As sin still lives in us, we are tempted to serve sin instead of You. We are tempted by what looks and feels good, rather than by the One who IS good.

But Lord - we are no longer owned by sin, because we are no longer under the law, but under grace through Christ.  So set our minds in Christ. Help s place our hope in Your hands. Give us contentment in all places of our hearts.

Show us that when we give our heart to something other than You, we aren't trusting You the way we can. We’re believing there’s something You can’t provide. We know that isn't true - we know You can and do provide - but we fail to live in that truth.

Good Father, give us strength to cast down our idols in favor of You who offers us peace, hope, joy and lasting contentment that nothing in this world will never provide.


“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” (1 Peter 1:13)   

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