a prayer against my selfishness

Lord, I often pray "give me eyes to see" but if I'm being honest, I'm not in the mood. 

I often pray, "give me a heart like Yours" but if I'm honest, that's sounds like a lot of work. 

I pray, "show me where You want me to bless others" but if I'm honest, I don't really intend to bless others.

Sometimes I pray, "teach me to see other like You see them" but if I'm being honest, I'm not ready for that. 

Occassionally I pray, Lord, "I want to be like You" but hoenstly, the thought makes me tired.

So today Lord I pray for my selfishness.

I pray for 

the way my heart is too consumed with other things,

the way my eyes only choose to see what they want, 

for how my body needs energy to desire deeper connection with You.


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