prayer for grace in trials

Merciful Father,

Hear me for Jesus' sake. 
    I am sinful even when I am closest to you.

Your grace has given me faith in the cross
    by which you have reconciled yourself to me
        and me to you,
    drawing me in by your powerful love,
    seeing me as innocent in Christ 
        though I am guilty.

Giver of all graces,
I look to you alone for strength 
    for it is hard to practice what I believe.

Please disarm me from the things
    in which I have trusted,
and give me no strength but strength in you.

I need your grace to sustain me when I fall
    when the enemy's darts inflame me and the shield
         I hold up to protect myself easily drops from my hand.

Let each trial teach me more of your peace,
    more of your love.

Increase your grace by the work of the Holy Spirit
    as I cannot preserve or improve them without
        your constant work in my heart.

May I walk humbly in dependence upon you.


(adapted from "Grace in Trials, The Valley of Vision)

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