When we are weary…

Who is weary??

Who is just simply tired and worn out?

I fear many of us are feeling the crushing weight of what is happening in this world we live in. 

It seems to be spiraling out of control and there are many things that can cause us to feel ANXIOUS, FEARFUL, UNEASY, TIRED, and DESPERATE.

As Christian’s, we need to be drawing close to our LORD…

Positioning ourselves at His feet and simply getting STILL before Him. In ADORATION. In PRAYER. In a deep SEEKING of TRUTH.

Let’s let go and turn our weariness into WORSHIP.

And let’s grab hold of His FAITHFULNESS and cling tightly to the TRUTH of who He is…

“He who calls you is faithful.” 
(1 Thessalonians 5:24)ESV

Open the WORD. Get still. And Pray! 

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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